TpT is a magical land filled with over 26,000 “Speech Therapy” resources. It’s incredible what you can find from fellow SLPs! The materials are typically well made and incredibly well thought-out and make a great addition to your therapy provision. However, I’ve been a CF and I know… you’re broke (um, hey thanks Grad School!) and overwhelmed and just want to dip your new SLP toes in that TpT water before diving in. So here are my top 10 FREE TpT Resources for New SLPs (and seasoned ones as well!).
10. Preschool Quick Probes – Lauren LaCour

These are great for Pre-K or even young Elementary students. Quick probes to see where they are with regards to understanding of functions, categories, basic concepts, associations, and prepositions.
9. Fishy Following Directions – Maureen Wilson

I have never had a caseload without students who needed work on following directions. This is a great freebie with 1/2/3-step directions included. Great for early elementary or Pre-K.
8. Informal Speech and Language Assessment Guide – Kim Jarvis

This is a very nice informal screener/assessment packet that can help you see where a student may need further assessment. You could also use this as a progress monitoring tool. As with all assessment/screening tools, please make sure to use your OWN clinical judgement in decisions regarding qualification for services, goals, minutes, etc.
7. Parent & Colleague Handouts for Developmental Norms of Elementary Students /Communication Checklists for Children – Danielle Reed

ASHA has great information regarding developmental norms on their website but I found the format to be less-than-pleasing to the eye. So I put them in an easy-to-print format for you. These are great for IEP meetings, those teachers who believe Johnny is delayed, etc. Again, these are just a reference – use your own clinical judgement!
6. Book Lists by Speech Sound Printable Half Sheets – Shannon Lisowe

If you work with articulation, books are a GREAT resource. Speechy Musings lists recommended books by each speech sound! Awesome resource for you or teachers/parents!
5. 180 Questions and Prompts to Build Expressive & Receptive Language – Sasha Long

A product like this can be used in so many ways. Language, articulation carry-over, social skills practice, etc. There are wh-, categorization, and labeling included.
4. My First Week in Speech – Nicole Allison

A great way to start the year with elementary and even some secondary students. You can also refer back to this booklet with students throughout the year to see what they perceive their progress to be and can be sent home to parents as well as communication.
3. Speech Violation Cards – Felice Clark

Motivation and behavior management are tough as a new SLP. This is one of the most creative ways I’ve seen for curtailing those behaviors in a way that is appropriate and leads to more practice!
2. Editable Organization Kit – Shannon Lisowe

Another great organization kit for SLPs. Editable and includes binder covers/spines, to-do lists, poster, etc.
1. SLP Starter Kit – Danielle Reed

Getting organized and ready for the year can be pretty difficult during your first year(s). In this freebie you have important documents ready to print like student referral forms, caseload scheduler, session planners, therapy notes, data forms, progress charts, communication logs, and IEP documents.
Freebies are a great way to see if a seller has quality materials and if those materials fit your “style” of therapy. When you’re ready to make the purchase plunge, make sure to read ratings, download any previews, and refer to catalogs like “The Best of SLPs on TpT – Summer Catalog 2015” or “Road Maps: Free Lesson Plans by Month” for ideas on purchases or stores.
I hope these Top 10, as well as other quality TpT materials, help to make your first year as an SLP a great one!
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