When working with students in the area of Pragmatic Language/Social Skills, video modeling can be a great tool. However, most video modeling provided is either highly outdated or not created by a Speech-Language Pathologist… or both! It’s difficult to find appropriate videos that are current and well-scripted and from recent years to make sure students aren’t distracted by dress and objects that are no longer relevant. Social Skills videos that use Cassette players or terms like “all that” will not be as well understood by your clients.
Everyday Speech, a company which has previously released the iPad apps “Let’s Be Social”, “Let’s Use Language”, and “Let’s Learn Emotions”, has now released 36 Social Skills videos written by Brittany Lehane, CCC-SLP, an ASHA-certified SLP. These videos include:
I have had the privilege of previewing several of these videos so that I may discuss them with you! First, I love that the videos are labeled by topic! I also like that they explain the problem and go over the definition of terms that may be unfamiliar before beginning the video. They then show a video of the situation going poorly. Then, you get a peek into the characters’ minds to see what they’re thinking! Feelings are discussed as well. Then a few discussion questions are listed and you can easily pause the video for student feedback before continuing. Finally, a situation going well is shown which is a great use of peer/video modeling.


Young Group
Overall, the videos that I previewed were great. I see these videos being beneficial for a variety of students and a wide range of ages. Even middle and high school aged students would benefit from watching older group videos. These videos would be a great companion to many of the other Social Skills products and curriculums that are available. While the terminology is not exactly the same, the concepts are similar enough that they would be extremely useful. Plus, these videos can be viewed on your computer, iPad/iPhone, Android, etc.! The uniquely SLP approach to the creation of these videos will be appreciated by therapists and their clients.
If you would like to purchase the rights to the 36 published videos at 50% off, consider the bundle which is a complete collection. You can click here and use the promo code “sublimespeech” to receive this bundle for only $35! Enjoy!
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