Another awesome SLP Blogger Snippets post today! This awesome blogger and SLP, Felice Clark, joins in on the fun! Get to know a little bit more about Felice and The Dabbling Speechie in the 15 questions below.
Name: Felice Clark
Blog Name: The Dabbling Speechie
Social Media Links:
When did you begin blogging? September 2012
Why did you want to start an SLP blog? I wanted to start a new hobby that involved writing and being creative. It was natural to pick speech therapy as my focus because it is my job and I love it! I needed something to help inspire me again in my job. Paperwork and all the “non” speech therapy responsibilities that we have can deplete your energy and passion.
What keeps you going as an SLP Blogger? All of my new blogger friends and support from other SLPs. You all rock!
What is the most challenging thing as an SLP Blogger? Letting go of deadlines. I have so many ideas that I would love to get out in a timely fashion, but LIFE sometimes gets in the way and interrupts my perfect schedule!
Which product are you most proud of and why? I love my Social Skill Breaks because it covers so many areas of social skills and can easily be used by other support staff and/or by the classroom teacher. Once prepped, it really is a great time saver!
Which blog post is your all-time favorite? I really liked writing my blog post “10 Songs SLPs should blast in the car on the first day back to work!” because music boosts my mood, so it was fun asking all of my blogger peeps for their favorite jams!
What should SLPs and other followers of your blog know about you as a person? I am a storyteller, so if I ever get the chance to hear some of my wild speech tales, you are in for a good chuckle (I also have some pretty memorable life stories too)! I have two children ages 6 and 2 years old. My husband is a hair instructor at a beauty institute, so I get FREE snazzy hair styles (I know you are jelly right now). Besides dabbling in all things speech and language, I also dabble in all sorts of fun activities. A few of my faves are line dancing, knitting (started when I was 20), cooking, and reading.
Bonus Quick-fire Round:
Bicycle or Motorcycle? Bicycle
Rain or Snow? Rain
Hot Coffee or Iced Coffee? Hot Coffee
Money or Fame? Money
Noise or Silence? Noise
Felice has also offered to raffle a great product from her store to a lucky reader of this post! Enter below and good luck!
Check back soon for another installment!
I would love to get this!!
Thanks for the giveaway! Love reading the ideas on your blog.
You get a lot of respect from me for writing these helpful areslcti.
Nice to meet you Felice! Off to marathon your blog posts 🙂
I love these posts and getting to know everyone!
I’m really enjoying all of these Snippets! Thanks for sharing!
This series is so much fun! I love getting to know everybody better.
The only thing we differ on in the quick fire is rain versus snow. Thanks for sharing all of your creativity and organization!
Hi, Felice. You’re new to me, and I’m going to stalk your blog now 😉
What a great series!
Thanks for sharing!!
I enjoy your blog and many of your materials! Bright and creative ideas keep this old warrior inspired and up to date!
Thanks for the great offer. I enjoy your blog and your creative materials.