Here at Sublime Speech, we like to help prevent the greatest travesties that plague our modern world. One of these is the dreaded mullet. Once considered an acceptable form of hair styling, the mullet has outstayed its welcome atop the heads of humans. Worse than adult mullets are (insert gasp) BABY MULLETS! Yes, those poor and helpless babies with mullets. They are not able to stand up for themselves so today I am sharing my top 5 ways to help prevent baby mullets. I’m not sure if you’ve heard yet, but:
Therefore, many of my top 5 easy ways to avoid baby mullets are very closely related to copyright and TpT. Here we go:
5. Instead of e-mailing and sharing free products that you have found on TpT or blogs, send the link to the product! Even though they are free, sharing them is still typically against copyright.
4. Never, ever, ever…. e-mail a product that you paid for and downloaded from TpT! This is a huge cause of the mullet epidemic! Aside from the baby mullets caused by this… it’s also just very wrong! Copyright is copyright…
3. Have you heard about multiple licensure? When you purchase through TpT, you can choose to purchase additional licenses! This allows you to share the product with additional people for about half the cost of the original price! This is PERFECT for districts/companies looking to share great TpT resources with multiple staff members!
2. Apparently tipping can also help curtail the baby/child mullet epidemic:
1. I’ve said it before, but it’s worth a repeat and a #1 spot:
Share links… not files!
Bloggers and TpT Authors work very hard to give you great free and affordable materials to use. Don’t make them sad by sharing their hard work with others at no cost.
So… please help us to keep mullets off of the heads of babies and children by following these easy 5 tips! After all, there are some styles from the 1980s that should stay in the 1980s!
LOL! Thank you for bringing humor to a serious topic. Jen