POLO! I’m here, I promise. No end of the Earth found and fallen off of or anything else catastrophic. It’s been a very busy time in this speechie’s life. Here’s a quick update:
Finished the school year: Completing the year at 2 schools while simultaneously packing up both offices, materials, files, etc. was an incredible amount of work this year.
Moved out of my apartment: Add to the above office packing a nice dose of home packing. About a week before we got out of school I completely moved out of my Kansas City apartment and into (*sigh*) my parents’ home.
Spent as much time as possible with my KCMO friends & family: Jamming a summer’s worth of fun into about 3 weeks was NOT easy. My friends were troopers and I loved seeing them so much in June! There were wineries visited, restaurants eaten at, shows seen, music listened to, walks taken, coffee sipped, and SO much more!
Roadtrips: In my last few weeks in KC I took a roadtrip to Normal, IL and to Springfield, MO… needless to say that I had enough of driving at that point.
Packed up and moved out of my parents’ home: At the end of June I packed up my car and headed to IL.
Moved into my new apartment: Arrived in Chicago and moved into my new apartment and have been so busy unpacking and running errands. We finally get our internet tomorrow!
Phew! Now on to getting caught up with the blog goodies, materials, posts, etc. Please forgive my extended absence and get ready for new and fun posts and materials coming your way very soon!
I hope you are enjoying your summer… what’s new with you?!?
I resigned my position in a school after 23 years and accepted a new position in another district. It’s shocking to see how much “stuff” I’ve accumulated after all this time. I’ve been sorting and moving all summer. (Long sigh) It will be nice to be as organized as possible once school starts again.