One of the absolute BEST parts about blogging has been meeting other bloggers and SLPs from around the world. I have been SO lucky to have these amazing SLPeeps in my life over the past 2 years. This year, a few of my closest SLP blogger/TPTer friends and I decided to get together and organize a SLP Secret Santa Exchange! It was such a blast!
We used Elfster to set it up and were able to keep it all a secret until now! None of us knew who the other had and Elfster made it so incredibly easy! When I came home on a cold, wintry evening after a long day at work I noticed a package on my porch from Florida… WooHoo! A few of my favorite SLPs live in that gloriously warm state! When I opened the package I found the most thoughtful gifts from the wonderful Jenn Alcorn of Crazy Speech World!
In my package was a hilarious SomeECard (so appropriate for me!) that said, “It must get really cold in Missouri, so I got you this scarf to keep warm. But if it doesn’t work… Wine fixes everything!” So right Jenn, so right! There was this adorable peacock wine glass, a scarf in my favorite deep purple, and cute little SLP letters for my office! They are so perfect for me from colors to functions… amazing!
I was so excited that I put the scarf on right away (please excuse that super-tired-looking SLP modeling the scarf above… she had 3 IEP/Eval meetings and a full caseload behind her on that day)! The wine glass has already been used several times and received just as many compliments! Thanks so much Jenn! Love my goodies (and you) to pieces!!!
(By the way, Jenn has an amazing set of goodies ALWAYS available at her TpT Store!)
I also got the chance to play secret santa to Rachel Jones at “Let’s Talk Speech Therapy”! It was super fun to shop for this great lady! Check out her post about it!!!
What did Santa bring you this year?
YAY! So glad you loved it! xo