I don’t know about you but my students are FEISTY after break. They’ve forgotten how to sit and work and STAY AWAKE in speech so I’m going to get them up and moving! We’re starting to use my iPad in speech so here’s an activity we’ve been doing utilizing the iPad and the app “Glow Draw” which is free!
For our “Speech Sound Hunts” I load the following pictures onto the iPad, open them in Glow Draw and off we go! If I have more than one student it’s great because it becomes a competition of sorts. They must find the words on the list in the school as we walk around. They have to keep their voices off in the hall but when they have found the word, each person has to practice it at the level they’re working on (word, phrase, sentence) before we move on. They mark off the word we’ve found (if they’re competing they mark their ‘symbol’ on the space to claim that word) and we keep looking. I’ve included the always popular /s/ and /r/ pictures below as well as the publisher files for them. I simply save as a .jpg file and email them to my iPad… Happy Hunting!
Great Idea! Thanks for sharing!