Sublime Speech Speech therapy with a twist! Sat, 06 Jun 2020 01:20:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Back to School Buys: The SLP’s Handbook for Inclusive School Practices Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:00:10 +0000 Many SLPs are being asked to provide, or are seeking to provide, inclusive services within their school settings.  However, this task can be very daunting to initiate if your school has provided typical pull-out and separated services in the past.  If your school will be implementing an inclusive model, The Speech-Language Pathologist’s Handbook for Inclusive School Practices is a must-buy for this school year!


This comprehensive book from Julie Causton and Chelsea P. Tracy-Bronson was recently published (2014) and includes recent information, forms and findings.


This is the included Contents page which details the various topics covered.  This book could easily be utilized by non-SLPs as well because it details SLP roles and responsibilities as well.  Each section progresses through from general to specific information.


The text is nicely laid out and easy to read.  You can skip through to sections that you need or read from start to finish (as I did) to get a better overall look at the process.


Also included are very helpful forms for integrating this process into your school.  These handouts are also made available from the publisher to book purchasers in electronic forms for easy printing!  There are a lot of great forms included!

I learned a great deal from the sections that spoke to working in teams.  Although my previous school did not have an official inclusive therapy approach, I utilized many aspects of this text in my therapy room and in my approach to teaming as much as possible.  You will learn practical strategies for working with others to find the best way to assist children in schools, develop supports/aids/services, develop goals, planning schedules, approaching children as a person instead of a diagnosis, supporting in classrooms and all school environments, providing academic supports, and much more.


Other titles for Paras, Principal’s, and OTs is also available.


Overall this great resource would be very helpful for SLPs starting out the school year.  It’s a great refresher for long-time SLPs as well as a great resource that could be utilized in Graduate Programs as well.  This terrific resource for school-based SLPs will help to solidify the basis for inclusion and help to facilitate therapy within that therapy model as well.

You can purchase the book from Brookes Publishing for $29.95 or Amazon for $26.93.

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